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Single ticket child ("Einzelfahrkarte Kind")

  • one child (6–14 years)
  • one journey, one direction
  • use this ticket if you want to take a bike or dog with you
  • change at any connecting point (not possible with short distance rides price level K)
  • interrupt the journey as often as you like (not possible with short distance rides price level K)
  • valid for:
    price level: 1, B, C, D, E, F, Kurzstrecke (short distance): 60 minutes
    price level: 2, A: 90 minutes
    price level: 3 to 5: 180 minutes
    price level: 6 to 10: 360 minutes

Please note that this ticket is valid immediately after purchase!

You can get further information about the single ticket on the VGN website.

Shipping method
Printed or mobile ticket Printed or mobile ticket
Check price level via timetable-search

Please enter the data of ticket user

Printed and mobile tickets are only valid in conjunction with an official photo ID (e.g. ID card or passport).

Price: €4.02 incl. statutory VAT

* Mandatory Fields